
Friday, 13 April 2012

Midterms, Markets and Meet-ups

I'm getting far behind in my blog... So last weekend I attended a meet-up and met expats in Masse Bar where we played board games, had drinks and food, was so much fun I had to tear myself away to go home to study!

This whole week I've had mid-term exams and so far received one result for my Reading exam which I scored 90%! I'm so pleased with that since it involved writing an essay in Chinese characters.

As each exam finished I felt less and less pressure and have been out a lot more. I am finding that going out is the best way to learn Chinese and being able to converse with shop assistants and people at the market stalls has helped a lot.

The other evening I felt like visiting the "fake" market at Nanjing Xi Lu. I guess because in England the markets tend to be outdoors so I walked right past the plaza. There were lots of foreign people and inside I think 4 floors worth of stalls. I guess because I pass for Chinese they don't really bother me with broken English, luring foreigners into their over-priced stalls.

In this market there are a wide variety of things from mobile phone cases, to branded clothing, suitcases, silk scarves etc.

After the market I went for a walk and found this pedestrian street with a few food markets around, some restaurants and cafes and even a Krispy Kreme! Although I didn't stop by as I was too hungry and wanted some proper food. I then found myself wandering into this shopping mall and in the basement was a 10Yuan store. I stopped by Ajisen for some udon noodles and then got a taxi back.

Another day I went to Yuyuan Gardens, totally forgetting the rudeness of some people. I couldn't even get in the door because a man and a woman decided to block the entire doorway to have a conversation. And no amount of "excuse me", tapping, pushing, could get them to move! Until some old ladies came by and made a fuss.

The people in this market tend to recognise me and comment they have seen me before. That worries me a little and I didn't stay too long before heading off. I didn't get to explore what I wanted and didn't get any more string for my Chinese knotting.

I also went to Qipu Lu market which I read was by Qufu Lu metro. It was still quite a trek and the weather was so humid I almost gave up looking. I finally found it after asking several convenience store clerks. Qipu Lu market has several plazas dotted around, lots of outdoor stalls, food stalls and so many bikes you can barely move. The main parts of the street are only accessible to pedestrians.

I have to say I've never seen so many pajamas in my life - seriously there were stores every few steps selling pajamas.... I managed to buy some Converse style trainers for about 40RMB so not bad at all! I got a little bored that stores tended to repeat throughout the street so I left and went to Joy City Mall.

I walked around a bit and found the ABC Cooking Studio. Although they didn't speak any English I'm quite curious and want to try a class! I then went to Cloud 9 which is a Taiwanese chain restaurant and the waiter there did speak English so it felt a bit more relaxed. There was also free wifi which is a bonus!

After my exam today I decided to head to Nanjing Lu since I don't spend much time there and its always so busy. But being Friday it wasn't too busy. I'd found 30RMB in the restaurant the other day and I don't like to keep these things so I gave it to a homeless man on the street, he was so grateful and it felt really good. I hope my karma is good.

There was a sale on Snoopy clothes so I went to have a look and then went to the kids shopping mall which was mostly clothes, not toys - very disappointing. I then went to Haagan Daz for some ice cream. It was rather embrassing when I told him I was one person and I was send to the corner in the back! Unless it was for my own benefit to avoid staring at happy couples spoon-feeding each other ice cream I'm not sure.... but still, it was rather lonely in the corner. I do find when I'm eating alone I'm usually made to sit in the corner. Rather sad =(

Tomorrow (yes on a Saturday!) is my HSK exam (only Level 2 for now) and then afterwards I'm hoping to take the ferry to Pudong. I don't have uni for a week and on Monday I'm leaving for Chengdu! I'm really excited but nervous!

Portuguese Baked Rice 28RMB

Xiao Long Bao but in bread not dumplings

Swiss roll ice cream at Haagan Daz


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